Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month : Emily Zheng

What does Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month mean to you personally?

To me, AAPI heritage month is a time to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the AAPI community. It’s this month in particular that the spotlight is positively put on our community to uplight our voices and recognize the contributions the AAPI community has made. For me personally, it’s celebrating a heritage that was unwelcomed when I was growing up.

What career advice would you give to young, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders?

My career advice for young AAPIs is to explore what’s out there and find a good mentor to help you along the way!  Many folks from the AAPI community, especially those of us that come from immigrant families are often socialized to believe there are only 3 career paths for us: to be a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer. But I encourage you to explore your options and to not be afraid to take a different path from your peers. Good grades and a good school may be important, but the experience matters more. Find a good mentor that isn’t your close friend or family to help you navigate those decisions!

What do you consider the most important cultural value for you and for those close to you?

The most important cultural value to me right now and I believe to those close, falls between the idea of individualism and collectivism. Growing up as a second-generation Chinese American, I’ve really valued the importance of having autonomy and independence while understanding the importance of obligation and responsibility to my family and community.

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